Easter 2 - Walking through Walls - Greg Johnston (4/19/20)

“On this second Sunday of Easter, when we read the story of ‘Doubting Thomas,’ preachers will talk about what faith really means, why doubt is really important, or maybe—depending on how far afield they want to go—what this whole resurrection thing is really about anyway. This year, though, this story of Thomas and the other disciples feels more immediate to me. The reasons it feels relevant and interesting in other years are abstract and cognitive. This year is different. If in other years, I can identify with how Thomas thinks, this year I have a very real sense of solidarity with how the disciples feel, how they worship, what they do as they gather behind locked doors.”

Lectionary Readings:
Acts 2:14a,22-32
1 Peter 1:3-9
John 20:19-31
Psalm 16